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Information for Authors on Ghost-writing 

The ethical attitude of university workers and high editorial standards are evidenced by the disclosure of information about all entities contributing to each publication of our journal.  

To ensure that reliable information is disseminated, the Editorial Board takes measures countering ghostwriting practices. 

According to the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, ghostwriting is understood as a situation whereby one who has made a significant contribution to a publication is not disclosed as an author or is not mentioned in the acknowledgements section of the work. Guest authorship (honorary authorship) is a situation whereby an individual who has participated to a nominal or non-existent degree in the publication is formally listed as an author or co-author of the work in question. 

To counteract these practices, the Editorial Board has introduced the following regulations regarding publication: 

1. The person submitting an article for publication informs the Board via email as to the percentage contributions of each of its authors (provided there is more than one author). Responsibility for providing fraudulent information rests with the author submitting the article. 

2. The Editorial Board reserves the right to solicit information concerning the sources of funding for publications, the contribution of research institutions, societies, and other entities. When required, such information must be provided. If denied, the Board has the right to refuse publishing the article. 

3. The Editorial Board reserves the right to document, archive, and reveal all cases of scientific misconduct and of the violation of ethical principles applicable in the field of science. 

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