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Information for Authors

Information for Authors 

The preferred length of manuscripts sent to The Monograph of the Jagiellonian University PhD Student Association is between 25 to 40 thousand characters including spaces. The Editorial Board hereby informs that texts with incomplete metadata shall be rejected. 

The articles sent to the Board should contain information in the following order: 

1. Author’s name and surname 

2. Affiliation (university) 

3. ORCID identification number 

4. Title of article 

5. Summary in a language different from the one used in the article (e.g. article in Polish -> summary in English and vice-versa) 

6. Key words in Polish and English 

7. The text of the article following the designated structure: introduction, main body, conclusion 

8. Bibliography (following the guidelines outlined below) 

9. A short note about the author (scientific title, research interests, selected publications/achievements)

10. Specific information concerning the article layout, font size, etc., can be found in the file available for download: “Sample first page of an article.” 


Text formatting 

Articles must not exceed one publisher’s sheet (from 25 to 40 thousand characters including footnotes and spaces), that is about 18-20 pages of printed text (12 pt, Times New Roman, line spacing: 1.5); 

Footnotes should be numbered using Arabic numerals. Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the page formatted according to the guidelines approved by the Editorial Board (see examples below); 

The text should be justified with paragraph indentation at 1.25 cm; 

Footnote formatting: Times New Roman, pt. 10, single-spaced, justified 

The title of the file should contain the Author’s surname and the first words of the title seperated by an underscore, e.g. Smith_Narrative_Structure.doc; 

File format: doc (texts in other formats will not be accepted). 


Bibliography and Footnote Guidelines 


General information: 

Do not add a comma after a surname and before the title of a book; 

For English titles: capitalize only the first word of the title and words which should be capitalized due to orthographic rules; 

Hyphenate numbers designating page range (e.g. pages 9-12), use an en dash for double placenames describing the place of publication (e.g. London–Oxford). 


Book: initial of Author’s first name, Author’s surname, Book title, place of publication, year of publication. 


W. W. Tatarkiewicz, Dzieje sześciu pojęć, Warszawa 2011. 


Translated book (into Polish as in the example below, or by analogy into another language according to the description on the title page): initial of Author’s first name, Author’s surname, Book title, trans. initial of Translator’s first name and Translator’s surname, place of publication, year of publication. 


M. Heidegger, Bycie i czas, trans. B. Baran, Warszawa 2013. 

Edited collected works: title, ed. initial of Editor’s first name, Editor’s surname, year and place of publication. 


Zwrot performatywny w estetyce, ed. L. Bieszczad, Kraków 2013. 

Article in an anthology: initial of Author’s first name, Author’s surname, title of article [in:] title of anthology, ed. initial of Editor’s first name, Editor’s surname, year and place of publication. 


J. Wachowski, O performatywności sztuk performatywnych, [w:] Zwrot performatywny w estetyce, ed. L. Bieszczad, Kraków 2013. 


Article in a scientific journal: initial of Author’s first name, Author’s surname, “Title of Journal,” year of publication, number/volume. 


L. Sosnowski, Koniec historii i początek sztuki, „Estetyka i Krytyka” 2013, nr 30 (3). 


The following Latin abbreviations are used in The Monograph of the Jagiellonian University PhD Student Association: 

ibidem (lit. “in the same place”), when citing the same entry as in the previous footnote 

idem/eadem (lit. “the same”), when citing the text of the same author whose work had been cited in the previous footnote  

op. cit. (lit. “work already cited”), when citing a text previously cited or a text which the article had previously made a reference to. In this case we can resort to two alternatives:   

(3a) if throughout the article the author makes a reference to only one text of a given person, “op. cit.” should immediately follow his/her surname, 

(3b) if, however, the author makes a reference to more than one work of a given person then a fragment of the work’s title should follow that person’s surname, and only then be followed by “op. cit.” 

EXAMPLE 3a: M. Heidegger, op. cit. 

EXAMPLE 3b: M. Heidegger, Bycie i czas, op. cit. 


It is possible for the above-mentioned abbreviations to co-occur: 

EXAMPLE: Idem, Podstawowe problemy fenomenologii, op. cit. 

When citing a previously cited work with a longer title, shorten the title: 

EXAMPLE: I. Kant, Prolegomena..., op. cit. 



Articles and all necessary information should be sent by email to the address:

Texts not formatted according to the guidelines outlined above (font, footnotes), or lacking the necessary information, will not be accepted. 

Graphics (photographs, illustrations, charts) should be attached as separate files and sent in the best possible quality. The Author is responsible for obtaining permission for printing the illustrations. The Editorial Board reserves the right to publish a text without graphics. 

Please do not format the text by inserting non-breaking spaces or non-breaking paragraphs. The final version of the article shall be prepared for printing by the editor and any shortcomings in formatting will not influence the evaluation of the received material. 

Bibliographical entries should not contain names of publishing houses, the information provided in the entries should agree with the information found on title pages of the works cited. When quoting works in English, keep “ed.” and “trans.”, when quoting works in Polish change “ed.” to “red.” and “trans.” to “tłum.”. When quoting a fragment of a different author’s text, indicate the page numbers, on which the given fragment can be found. 

Throughout the editing process we will remain in contact with the Author of the article. Any concerns not addressed here shall be discussed via email. The last stage of the process consists in autocorrection and authorization of the article. 


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