
Information on admission of Kochi University of Technology

Dear KUT partner universities,

Thank you very much for your academic cooperation with Kochi University of Technology.
We are sending this e-mail to announce you the most updated information on KUT’s Special Scholarship Program (SSP) which is a 3-year English-medium doctoral program.
To find further information such as admission guideline for SSP program, please refer to the attached file.
We would be truly grateful if you could introduce our SSP program to the faculty and students at your university.

 Application Deadline for April 2017 enrollment and October 2017 enrollment: September 18th 2016

 Sincerely yours,

Shinichiro SAKIKAWA
Professor/Director of International Relations Center,
Kochi University of Technology
Tosayamada, Kami City, Kochi 782-8502, JAPAN
TEL: +81-887-53-1130

URL for KUT:


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