
Fellowship opportunities for younger Polish scholars at the IWM in Vienna

The Institute for Human Sciences (Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, IWM) in Vienna has published new calls for application:

Bronislaw Geremek Fellowship 2017/2018 for younger Polish scholars
Deadline for application: December 1, 2016

The program will enable a Polish junior researcher to work on a research project of her/his choice at the IWM.
The fellowship is open to all academic disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. The Fellow will spend 10 months from September 2017 to June 2018 at the IWM and work in residence.
The Junior Visiting Fellow will receive a stipend of EUR 1,800 per month and is provided with office space, access to e-mail and internet, research and administrative facilities as well as other services free of charge.
Please visit< to see all relevant details about eligibility, application procedure etc.

Józef Tischner Fellowship 2017 for younger Polish or Polish-American scholars
Deadline for application: December 1, 2016

This fellowship program is open to all academic disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.
The Józef Tischner Fellow will be invited to spend a six-month term from July to December 2017 at the IWM and receive a stipend of EUR 1,800 per month to cover all expenses related to the stay in Vienna.
In addition, the IWM provides her/him with office space, access to e-mail and internet, research and administrative facilities as well as other services free of charge.
Please visit<> to see all relevant details about eligibility, application procedure etc.

Kindest regards,

Mary Nicklas
Fellows Program Coordinator
Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen
Institute for Human Sciences
Spittelauer Lände 3
1090 Wien
Tel. +43/1/313 58 - 108
Fax +43/1/313 58 - 60

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