
New Economic Sociology and Sociology: Where Do They Meet? Where Do They Diverge? 22-23 May 2017, Poland, Warsaw.

Dear Colleagues,

Please allow us to inform you about the CfP for the international conference "New Economic Sociology and Sociology: Where Do They Meet? Where Do They Diverge?", to be held 22-23 May 2017 in Warsaw, Poland.
Conference is a part of “New Economic Sociology Workshops: Bringing the New Economic Sociology Back Into the Sociological Analysis”. It is organized within the framework of Polish Sociological Association (Section of Economic Sociology), University of Warsaw (Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Resocialization), and Polish Academy of Sciences (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology).
Deadline for submitting abstract is 10 December 2016 (1,000 words, to Adriana Mica,
More information is available at 

We also invite you to follow our Facebook event, where you can find news and updates about conference 

On behalf of the organizing committee,
Zespół Badawczy Polskiej Rady Muzycznej Research Committee, Polish Music Council
Przewodnicząca Oddziału Warszawskiego PTS / Chair of Warsaw Department of Polish Sociological Association
Sekretarz Sekcji Socjologii Sztuki PTS / Secretary of Sociology of Arts Section of Polish Sociological Association
Członek zespołu Unintended Consequences Workshops / member of the Unintended Consequences Workshops team

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