
Call for Applications: POLISH DOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP 2017/2018 at the University of Alberta

Szanowni Państwo,

poniżej przesyłam informację dotyczącą stypendium doktoranckiego na University of Alberta w Kanadzie. W załączeniu znajdą również Państwo informację w języku polskim. Uprzejmie prosimy o rozpowszechnienie informacji oraz zapraszamy do przesyłania zgłoszeń!

The Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies 

invites applications for a


The Polish Doctoral Research Fellowship is tenable at the Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. The Fellowship is valued at CAN $ 26,400.00 and will be paid in equal monthly installments.

The successful candidate will hold this fellowship at the Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies, and is expected to be actively engaged in Ph.D. thesis research. Successful candidates are also expected to participate in the Institute's cultural, scholarly and academic activities, particularly the development of academic relationships with institutions in Poland.

Young scholars from any discipline in the Humanities, Social Sciences or Fine Arts are invited to apply. Candidates should be Polish citizens at Ph.D. (all-but-dissertation) level and have an excellent command of spoken and written English as well as a sound reading knowledge of either German or another central European language. A proven research record (ideally in the form of publications), would be an asset. 
The University of Alberta welcomes diversity and encourages applications from all qualified women and men, including persons with disabilities.

Applicants should submit a short English-language description (maximum 500 words) of their research project, a full curriculum vitae, and the names of two references. Application should be submitted in e-mail to

Application deadline: 10 APRIL 2017

For more information about the Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies, see:


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