
University of Ljubljana summer school

At the summer school progammes offered by the University of Ljubljana you will find more than 30 open-enrollment courses.
Students of our summer school programmes are challenged to broaden their  skills and competences while balancing educational
and social activities in international groups and with international, world-renowned academics.
Our summer school programmes enable students to explore different scientific areas: from economic and business sciences, law, chemistry,
 mathematics and physics to social work, pharmacy and technical sciences. Some programmes are suitable for primary school students,
others for undergraduate and graduate students, and some even for researchers and professors.

For more information about our courses and application procedure, please visit

Univerza v Ljubljani

Katja Cerjak
Pomočnik glavnega tajnika / Assistant Secretary General

Univerzitetna služba za mednarodno sodelovanje / University Office for International Relations
Univerza v Ljubljani / University of Ljubljana
Kongresni trg 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija / Slovenia
T.: +386 1 2418 590<>,<>

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