
Brazilian Seminars / Summer Program at PUC-Rio (July 2017)

Brazilian Seminars / Summer Program at PUC-Rio (July 2017)
Greetings from the International Cooperation Central Coordination Office of PUC-Rio.
We are delighted to present to you the second edition of the Brazilian Seminars.
The Brazilian Seminars is an International Summer program that will be offered next July 2017, and it takes place at PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, for the duration of 12 business days.
It is a 48h (3 University credits) interdisciplinary program of lectures and off-class activities.
Through a combination of lectures on different areas of interest, ranging from politics and economics to environment, from culture and social issues to public health,
the program will provide students, young scholars and international administrators with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge about Brazil and discuss the current issues that are in the global scenario.

The participants will also have the opportunity to combine the Brazilian Seminars with a 20h intensive course of Portuguese language
 that will be offered during the previous week before to the regular program start. Please note that this is an optional course and there is an extra fee for it.

Please take note of the most relevant dates for the program:

Brazilian Seminars course dates: July 13-28th, 2017
Portuguese language survival course (20h): July 10-13rd, 2017
Application deadline: May 31st, 2017

For further practical information, procedures for enrollment, and special conditions for participants from partner institutions, please,
do not hesitate to contact us:<>.
We look forward to welcoming you all for a truly Brazilian experience at PUC-Rio.


Daniel Castro
Senior Advisor for Short-term Programs
Assessor para alunos de programas de Curta Duração

Coordenação Central de Cooperação Internacional - CCCI
Central Coordination for International Cooperation
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225
Ed. Pe. Leonel Franca, 8º andar
22 453-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil
Tel: (55 21) 3527-1577 / 3527-1578
Fax: (55 21) 3527-1094

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