
International Summer School POLIN Meeting Point 2017

Students from Poland, Germany, Israel and Ukraine are welcome to take part in the third edition of the international summer school POLIN Meeting Point 2017!

Polin Meeting Point - Summer Education School this intense two weeks curriculum, offering young people the opportunity to meet in the international group and participate in a series of lectures, workshops, discussion and study visits.
We want to talk about difficult history and remembering the past to build a common future.
In this year edition, we would like you to focus on the topic of Local multiculturalism. The example of Zduńska Wola - a town in the Łódź Province, before World War II a rapidly growing Polish-Jewish-German center - will serve as a point of departure for the discussion.
You will be encouraged to seek answers to these questions: Is the memory of multicultural past being cherished? Does this heritage play a role in building the local identity?
Check the programme:

Term of Summer Education School: 13-27 August 2017

The programme will take place at POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw as well as in Łódź and Zduńska Wola.
Participation in the programme is free of charge. The cost of participants' travel and accommodation (board and lodging during the classes) will be covered by the organizers. All classes will be conducted in English.
Check out what the previous editions of POLIN Meeting Point looked:

If you have questions, we encourage you to contact the project coordinator:
Magdalena Dopieralska,<>

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