
Conference for PhD Students in Biomedical Research

We are honored to invite you to the International Conference for PhD Students in Biomedical Research during 7-9 September 2017, Cracow, Poland.

The Conference is organized by Jagiellonian University Medical College, a medical school with over 600 years of tradition in research and education.

The topic of the conference is ’Healthy Aging’.

This will cover a wide spectrum of laboratory, epidemiological, and interventional studies related to preserving health throughout a whole life span. For young professionals in biomedical sciences, this conference will allow presentation of their results and discussion with international experts.

We have invited four distinguished scientists who are recipients of the Honoris Causa Doctorate of our University for excellence in their field. They have kindly accepted our invitation to lecture at the conference, but also to take active part in the sessions discussing results of junior researches. Our vision for the participants of this conference is to contribute to the scientific program, either by oral or poster presentations, with a time set aside for scientific interaction.

The conference offers also a chance for visiting Cracow and its surroundings, the most beautiful and popular tourist attraction in Poland.

We look forward to seeing young leading researchers from European and extra-European countries who wish to present and discuss the results of their research.


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