
Konferencja Cycles of Commemoration. Forced Labour in Europe during World War II.

Dear Colleagues,
The Willy Brandt Center for German and European Studies at the University of Wroclaw (Poland), together with the Remembrance, Responsibility and the Future foundaFon, based in Berlin, is organizing a conference:

Cycles of Commemoration: Forced Labour in Europe during World War II. International Forum.
Wroclaw, Poland, September 27–30, 2017

This three-day-long internaFonal forum provides an opportunity to commemorate forced labour in Europe during World War II. Through various forums such as public talks, workshops and excursions, we invite participants to exchange their views and share their experiences about the history of Nazi forced labour as well as to discuss the various ways Europe has commemorated that history. The event is interdisciplinary and addresses researchers—especially from history, cultural sciences and social sciences—experts on poliFcal-historical educaFon and representaFves of insFtuFons concerned with commemoraFng Nazi forced labour. Young researchers are parFcularly welcome. An important aim of this conference is to offer networking opportunities and foster debate among up to 100 parFcipants from all over Europe.
We would be grateful if you could share this informaFon throughout the university to reach those who might be interested in the topic of forced labour.

Scholars and Faculty Members
We are pleased to invite scholars, faculty members and young researchers who are particularly interested in this theme and eager to take an acFve part in discussions led by experts during several panels.
To register for the conference, please send an email to containing the
following information:
• Name and surname
• Name of the Institution you represent

We accept registraFon unFl September 3, 2017.
Conference admission is 130 Polish zloFes (30 euros).
We will provide registrants with further informaFon.

Support for PhD Students
We have organized a special panel for PhD students and are ready to provide sixteen research grants (420 euros each) for those inclined to take part in the upcoming event. Applicants should email abstracts, wriZen in English (maximum of 250 words), together with a short curriculum vitae, as a PDF file to If the number of parFcipants exceeds the number of grants, the organizers will select from among the parFcipants.

All PhD students are welcome and can atend free of charge.
We accept registraFon till September 3, 2017.
We will be more than happy to assist you with any questions you may have about our event.
With kind regards,
Conference Team

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