
Conference Innovation for Sustainable Development

As part of the German presidency in in the Baltic University Programme, the BUP Coordinating secretariat at Uppsala University and the German National BUP Center at the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Goerlitz, Germany, have a pleasure to invite BUP students to the BUP Spring Students' Conference in Großschönau close to Zittau . The topic of the conference:

Innovation for Sustainable Development: 
Resource and Energy Efficiency in Production and Transportation

The conference will take place from 28th May to 01st June 2018.

Please notice that during the conference, and in addition to a very interesting scientific program in the nice surrounding of the Zittauer Gebirge, the students will also take part in an excursion to the city of Dresden. We looking forward if it would be possible to visit the “Gläserne Manufaktur”, the modern production site of Volkswagens eGolf.

Students interested in the topic and coming from our members or/and participating universities are welcome to apply for participation in the conference. Students from the BUP´s members' universities will, however, be given priority. The national BUP centres will be responsible for selecting a list of participants from the respective countries. So students have to apply by sending attached application form to the National Centres. In case there is no functioning centre in the country (like in Belarus, Sweden and North- West Russia) the application should be sent directly to coordinating secretariat (Lyudmyla.   The deadline is the 20th of March 2018.

We will soon set up a web page for the conference under the following URL:

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