
The BUP PhD Award 2018, The BUP Travel Grant Programme for Young Researchers

Dear all,

We have the pleasure to announce this year's BUP PhD Award and the BUP Mobility Grant.


The BUP PhD Award 2018
The Baltic University Programme (BUP) award for the best PhD thesis supports high quality research promoting sustainable development. The awards are established in two research area groups:

  • Natural Sciences, Technology and Engineering
  • Social Sciences and Humanities.

Deadline for nominations: 30th August 2018.
For further information please see the attachment or the BUP web site.


The BUP Travel Grant Programme for Young Researchers
The main aim with the Mobility Grant is to develop and strengthen the co-operation among young researchers in the Baltic Sea Region. The grant is intended to support young scholars from BUP member universities who´s research promote sustainable development. The grant winner will be invited to present the research at a BUP conference, as an opportunity to disseminate results, ideas and create intra-network cooperation.

The Mobility Grant is open to PhD students and Postdoc scholars from all BUP member universities
Deadline for applications: 31st October 2018.
For further information please see the attachment or the BUP web site.

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