
Embracing the Needs of All - Restorative Dialogue in International Conflicts

Current conflicts on the international arena usually have a complicated nature - many stakeholders, different perspectives, long-standing harms - which makes it difficult to reach an agreement and find a fair solution satisfying all parties. Applying common patterns for managing relationships between governments and their citizens, based on existing paradigms of domestic criminal justice, brings more questions than answers. The concept of justice on a global scale is still hazy, leading to doubts as to how international or global institutions should function. Failures of the current reconciliation process deprive of hope for lasting peace and condemn a conflict-affected community to life in constant danger and uncertainty.

Can we look at the reconciliation process differently? Can we engage all parties to the conflict – perpetrator, victim and community - in the conciliation process? Would it be worth to do so? What benefits could such approach bring? How could we do it?

Mark your calendar for June 6, between 10.00 AM and 1.00 PM.

We look forward to seeing you in Centrum Dydaktyczne WPiA UJ, ul. Krupnicza 33a in SALA 209

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