
8th PhD Students and Young Scientists R&D Conference

Dear Colleagues, 

Taking into account your request we extend registration deadline term for 8th PhD Students and Young Scientists R&D Conference; Young Scientists Towards the Challenges of Modern Technology. We remind you that the conference  takes place at Warsaw University of Technology, 16 - 18 September 2013.


New deadlines:

30-04-2013 ­ Confirmation of registration and abstract acceptance/rejection notification.
30-05-2013 ­ Full papers submission for review. Early bird registration deadline (conference fee: 90 EUR or 380 PLN)
15-07-2013 ­ Notification of acceptance/rejection (after review process). Late registration deadline (conference fee: 120 EUR or 490 PLN)
31-07-2013 ­ Submission of final camera-ready papers.
You can register now using on line system:

The manual how to use the system you can find here:



Artur Badyda,

President of Foundation for Young Scientists

Sławomir Łapiński,

Chair of Warsaw University of Technology PhD Students Board

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