
Conference: 3rd East Mediterranean ICLAS Symposium

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,  it is my pleasure to invite
colleagues to the Third East Mediterranean ICLAS Symposium. The
symposium is organized by the Laboratory Animal Science Association
(LASA)-Turkey in association with International Council for Laboratory
Animal Science (ICLAS) and will be held in the city of Istanbul, Turkey,
on June 13-15, 2011. The symposium is open everyone interested in
Laboratory Animal Science and experimental studies.
During the symposium, many topics will be under discussion, including
ethical evaluation, experimental design, new technologies in Laboratory
Animal Science, animal models, methods for reduction etc. We invite you
to participate in the meeting and welcome you to submit abstracts for
oral or poster presentations.
I surely believe that we will benefit from and enjoy this meeting, and I
do hope to see you in Istanbul in June 2011. For further information,
please visit

With my kind regards,

Siyami Karahan, DVM, PhD
President, Laboratory Animal Science Association-Turkey

Scientific Secreteriat
Tuncay Altug
Ann-Christine Eklof
Ismene Dontas
Osman Yilmaz

Congress Secreteriat
Bilge Yuksel
Tel: +90 212 296 66 70

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