
Erasmus Mundus scholarships for young researchers and university staff

Please find below some details on the Erasmus Mundus project IANUS, which offers scholarships to students, PhD candidates, researchers and university staff in all fields of study and research.

You, your colleagues and PhD students are thus eligible for a scholarship in one of the partner universities from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova or Ukraine, as the University of Krakow is one of the members of the IANUS consortium. PhD students are especially encouraged to apply, as the call for applications for the second cohort still has a large number of doctoral scholarships available.

Some useful details on the project and scholarship scheme:

  *   Project website:
  *   Online applications; deadline: February 20, 2014;
  *   Eligibility conditions: to be an EU citizen and to be registered/ do research/ work in an EU university;
  *   Scholarship amount: 1000 Euro/ month (undergraduate and master), 1500 Euro/ month (doctorate), 1800 Euro/ month (post-doctorate), 2500 Euro/ month (staff);
  *   Scholarship duration: 6-10 months (doctorate/ post-doctorate), 1 month (staff);
  *   Start date of mobilities: 31 December 2014 at the latest (up to post doctorate level), anytime by Spring 2016 (for academic and administrative staff).

For further details, please contact either me or the contact person for the project in your university: Karolina Gołąbek (<>).


Ioana Serafinceanu (formerly Pristavu)

LLP-Erasmus officer
IANUS and IANUS II project administrator
Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza"
International Relations Office
Bulevardul Carol I nr. 11

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