
II International Conference on Time Perspective “Diversity of Approaches, Unity of Passion”

IInd International Conference on Time Perspective
“Diversity of Approaches, Unity of Passion”

Warsaw, Poland | 29th July – 1st August 2014

About the Conference


The Conference is organized by the University of Warsaw and the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, and will take place in Warsaw, Poland on the 29th July -1st August 2014.


It will be a second edition of the conference on Time Perspective. This time we will meet in Warsaw, the capital of Poland, one of the oldest cities with its historic buildings and magnificent monuments in the frame of modernity that guarantee an unforgettable atmosphere during the stay.


Our intention as the Organizers is to provide participants with an opportunity to present their novel research on psychology of time, to share their ideas, establish a collaboration, and to inspire to discover new possibilities of research. As the motto of our Conference is “Diversity of Approaches, Unity of Passion” we would like to gather scholars with different approaches to temporality. The program of the Conference will cover a variety of topics on time perspective that for sure will be of interest to all of the participants. 


Keynote speakers

Ilona Boniwell

Jeff Joierman

James M. Jones

Zbigniew Zaleski

Philip G. Zimbardo

Abstract submission and registration deadlines


Opening for submission – January 15th, 2014
Deadline for submission of proposals – April, 15th 2014
Feedback on abstract acceptance – April 29th, 2014
Deadline for early bird registration – May 15th, 2014
Full registration –  June 15th, 2014

The Early Bird registration rate: 350 Euro

Phd candidates/Students: 200 Euro

Full registration rate: 400 Euro


For more information visit the Conference website

We are greatly anticipating this event and expect a wonderful line up of speakers.
Full scientific program of the Conference will be posted on our website shortly.

We look forward to welcoming you to Warsaw in 2014!

Best regards,
The Conference Team

Organizing Comittee
2nd International Conference on Time Perspective
Warsaw, 29th July- 1st August 2014

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