
Conference Innovations in Information and Communication Science and Technology

Innovations in Information and Communication Science and Technology, IICST 2014
The 4th Postgraduate Consortium International Workshop

Warsaw, Poland, September 3-5, 2014.

The IICST Workshop is intended to bring together graduate students and young researchers working in the field of information and communication science and technology, and offer them an opportunity to discuss their studies at an international forum with prominent scholars and engineers, prompting all kinds of collaboration and cooperation among participants, all in friendly and informal atmosphere. In 2014, the Workshop will be held at the Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology (PJIIT) in Warsaw, Poland.

Organizationally, IICST 2014 has three tracks:

- The Education Track, focused on ICT innovation management and project-based education.
- The Academic Track, focused on social informatics, intelligent systems and robotics, and hardware technologies. These main themes outline the major areas for contributions from student and young researcher presentations.
- Special Organized Sessions, aimed at promoting student-expert interactions and broad discussions in a variety of fields.

Each of these tracks will also feature keynote lectures.

Contributions in the form of paper or demonstration for IICST 2014 are, therefore, sought from graduate students and young researchers. Well-established academics and industry practitioners are also invited to submit proposals for organized sessions or special lectures. All potential contributions must be prepared and submitted strictly in accordance with the IICST 2014 submission schedule and guidelines. Papers accepted for presentation at the workshop will be published in an edited electronic proceedings, while several selected papers will be recommended for publication, in a revised form, in an international journal. Also, the Innovation Prize will be awarded to a work presented at IICST 2014, based on criteria of innovation, creativity, and technical soundness.

IICST 2014 is organized under the general theme of “ICT Developments and their Impact on Society and Organizations.” The list of topics includes, but is in no way limited to the following:

ICT Innovation Management
• Project-based education, CDIO
• Frontier research and development
• Skills and career development

Social Informatics
• Human-computer interaction
• Applications of information technologies for social interaction
• Computer research and applications in economics, literature, linguistics, education,
and cultural and historical studies
• Data mining in Web 2.0 environments
• Social simulation

Hardware technologies
• Electronic circuits and electrical systems
• RF and microwave circuitry
• Optical electronics, quantum computing
• Power electronics
• Smart grids
• Evolutionary electronics

Intelligent Systems and Robotics
• Soft computing
• Machine learning and AI
• Anthropomorphic or bionic design and robot control
• Human body dynamics, control, and sensing
• Neuro- and brain-computer interfaces
• Robot applications: social, industrial, health-related, entertainment, education
• Social robotics, robot-human sociology and economics
• Affective engineering

The deadline for submitting full papers is July 01, 2014.
Organized session proposals (abstracts) should be sent by June 01.
Demonstration submission deadline is June 01.

Papers accepted for presentation at IICST 2014 will be published in an edited electronic proceedings, while several selected papers will be recommended for publication, in a revised form, in an international journal.

 For more information about IICST 2014, visit or contact the organizers at or

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