
American International Journal of Social Science (AIJSS)

Call for Papers
American International Journal of Social Science (AIJSS)
ISSN 2325-4149 (Print), ISSN 2325-4165 (Online)
American International Journal of Social Science (AIJSS)is a double blind peer reviewed journal published by Center for Promoting Ideas (CPI), USA. The main objective of AIJSS is to provide an intellectual platform for the international scholars. AIJSS aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in social science and become the leading journal in social science in the world.
The journal publishes research papers in the fields of economics, international relations, law, development studies, population studies, political science, history, journalism and mass communication, corporate governance, cross-cultural studies, peace and conflict, library and information science, public administration, psychology, philosophy, sociology, women studies, religious studies, social welfare, anthropology, linguistics, education , management, marketing, finance, banking, accounting, human resources management, international business, hotel and tourism, entrepreneurship development, business ethics and so on.
The journal is published both in print and online versions.
AIJSS publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, case studies, empirical research, technical notes, and book reviews. Special Issues devoted to important topics in social science will occasionally be published.
The journal is now indexed with and included in Cabell’s,Ulrich’sEBSCOIndex Copernicus International, and  Gale. Moreover the journal is under the indexing process with ISI, ERIC, DOAJ, JSTOR, Econlit, and Scopus.
AIJSS is inviting papers for Vol. 3 No. 4 which is scheduled to be published on July 31, 2014. Last date of submission: June 30, 2014. However, an early submission will get preference in case of review and publication process.
Send your manuscript to the editor at
For more information, visit the official website of the 
With thanks,
Dr. Stewart Lehman
The Chief Editor, American International Journal of Social Science

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