
Conference Translational Research in Oncology in New Member State Economies

Dear Sir or Madame,


on behalf of the Medical University of Warsaw, it is a great pleasure and privilege to invite you to attend the International Conference
'Translational Research in Oncology in New Member State Economies” to be held in Warsaw (Poland), on 21-22 May 2015.

Invited experts include leading European researchers, healthcare professionals and specialists representing various institutions having key influence on the field of oncology worldwide. 
An important element of our conference will be innovations in the field of oncology, at the level of research as well as when it comes to supporting innovative research.

Information about the conference and full program you can find at the website:


The conference is organized within the European project 'BASTION'. For further information about the project please visit:


Participation is free of charge.


We look forward to welcoming you to Warsaw!


If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us : 
Dr. Magdalena Król

e-mail: or

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