
Viadrina International Program - for Graduates

Dear colleagues,


In close cooperation with the Department of International Affairs, the Viadrina Center for Graduate Studies (VCGS) of the European University Viadrina has raised the Viadrina International Program – for Graduates (VIP), promoted by the German Academic Exchange Service and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The program aims to support the international networking of doctoral candidates and their stronger involvement in international research contexts and discourses. The program runs till October 2017 at the European University Viadrina and offers doctoral candidates a long-term perspective to create an international research and career profile.


International doctoral candidates may apply for research and acquaintance stays at the European University Viadrina to get familiarize with the research environment at the Viadrina. These fellowships allow international doctoral candidates to get in touch with Viadrina professors for research co-operations or potential doctoral opportunities (e.g. joint degrees and cotutelle agreements). International doctoral candidates may apply for the following fundings:


·         Fellowships for research stays at the European University Viadrina (max. 3 month)

·         Fellowships for acquaintance stays at the European University Viadrina (1 month)


The application deadline is May 17, 2015.


For detailed information please see the individual calls on the website of the VCGS:


Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.


Yours sincerely

Rebekka Manke

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