
Summer School Global Knowledge in Practice. Towards Synergy (for Polish and International PhD students)

„Global Knowledge in Practice. Towards Synergy”

June 27 – 28

I Summer School Project organized by the PhD Students’ Association – Innovative Research Team at Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland 2015

under the auspices of the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs Professor Andrzej Mania, Jagiellonian University



I Summer School Project „Global Knowledge in Practice. Towards Synergy” aims atkeeping together international PhD students who continue their tertiary education in Poland. The idea is to provide a wide-range debate to make possible cross-national scientific meetings.

Scientific migrations constitute an inspiration to organize I Summer School Project. On the one hand we want to stay in touch with other International PhD students,recognize their international experiences, especially in science, their scientific pathways. On the other hand we are approaching internationalization, stressing co-institutional research projects and self-development as scientists and as academic teachers.

The main goals of the presented school, are:

Ø       Initiate discussion on the condition of international PhD students in Poland

Ø       Provide knowledge and tools to develop individual career pathway andcreative thinking

Ø       Characterize the concept of contemporary university and systems of science in the world

Ø       Raise awareness of becoming internationally-minded scientists

Ø       Support an exchange of experiences between participants

Ø       Discuss objectives for an internationally friendly place for international students




I Day

27 June (Saturday)

9.00: registration, welcome packs

9.30 – 9.45: Welcome to the I Summer School Project

9.45 – 11.30: Opening Lecture

The Future of Science. How Global Business and Internationalized Universities are shaping Scientific Research

(Professor Riccardo Campa, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Sociology and History of Ideas Research Centre, Jagiellonian University)


Break: 11.30 – 11.45


11.45 – 13.30: Thematic Workshop

a) Who are the PhD students in Poland?


b) Who are we? – time for integration 


(PhD student Hubert Więckowski, Faculty of Management and Social Communication, Board Member of the PhD Students’ Association, Jagiellonian University) 


Break: 13.30 – 14.30 


14.30 – 17.00: Lecture and Discussion Panel

Is Poland an attractive country for upcoming scientists of various disciplines? What can attract the international PhD students to Poland? Introduction to Global Competence Matrices, Synergy and Networking

(PhD hab. Professor UJ Marek Frankowicz, Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University)


II Day

28 June (Sunday)

9.30 – 12.30: Workshop

Academic Mobility. Are we closer to global citizens` knowledge, skills and values? Intercultural education – how far are we culturally open? Forms of good practices. Hard and soft skills. Self-development

(PhD Paulina Niechciał, Faculty of Philosophy, Center for Comparative Studies of Civilizations, Jagiellonian University)


Break: 12.30 – 13.30


13.30 – 16.30: Workshop

 Academic teacher in an intercultural environment. The experiential approach to didactics: how to be a creative teacher and scientist?

(Assistant Professor Piotr Prokopowicz, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Sociology,  Center for Evaluation and Analysis of Public Policies, Jagiellonian University)




Ø       Status of an international/foreign PhD student at Polish university/academy

Ø       PhD Students of all disciplines are accepted

Ø       English command at the minimum of B2 level is suggested

Ø       additional information: please specify if you have any diet preferences: Muslim/vegetarian/other:….




The school is organized on the 27th – 28th of June (Saturday, Sunday), 2015 at Jagiellonian University in Cracow. All classes will be given in the Institute of Sociology (Grodzka Street 52).



There is no any registration fee. Catering during classes will be supplied by the PhD Students’ Association.



Please send your application to:  including your:

a) name and surname, affiliation in Poland, area of study, your home country

b) brief description of your motivation to take part in the I Summer School Project



7th of June, 2015 (Sunday)

The results will be announced on the 14th of June, 2015 by mail.



Dorota Jedlikowska, PhD student, PhD Students’ Association, Jagiellonian University, mail contact:

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