
“Climate change: from perception to action?” UNA EUROPA alliance workshop

Dear doctoral students,

Jagiellonian University International Relations Office is pleased to announce the official launch of UNA EUROPA PhD workshop "Climate change: from perception to action?", which will be held in Paris, 18-20 December 2019.

This workshop will host up to 5 doctoral students enrolled at each UNA Europa University in the last two years of doctoral studies.

If the topic of your PhD is partially or totally related to climate change, you are interested in different forms of climate change perception, and the links between these perceptions and actions towards climate change adaptation, this workshop is perfect for you.

Application requirements:

You are enrolled at one of the UNA Europa universities in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of your PhD
The topic of your PhD is partially or totally related to climate change and you are interested in different forms of climate change perception, and the links between these perceptions and actions towards climate change adaptation

In order to apply, provide the following documents in a single PDF-file no later than September 30, 2019 to:

-Professor Lydie Goeldner-Gianella (lydie.goeldner-gianella@univ-paris1.fr) if the initial of your family name is between A and L.

-Professor Yann Toma (yann.toma@univ-paris1.fr) if the initial of your family name is between M and Z.

Required documents:

Scan of your ID card
Certificate or card proving your enrolment in the doctoral programme of your university
Curriculum Vitae (1 page, in English)
Letter of Motivation containing a summary of your research topic/PhD (1 page, in English)
Abstract (max. 1000 words, in English) outlining the nature, aims and methods of your presentation, in relation with the workshop's topic
In this abstract, you can propose a creative way of presenting your research (video, photos, artistic form…) but a more classical way is also permitted (oral communication (10 min) or oral presentation of a poster)
All documents must be sent in a single PDF-file

The sending university will cover the travel and accommodation costs. Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne will cover the onsite costs linked to the workshop.

You can find more information : HERE

Contact at JU:

Izabela Krajewska
International Relation Office
+48 12 228 38 32
ul. Czapskich 4/24

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