
Brno Art Week and BAW Conference

On behalf of the Department of Arts at Faculty of Education, Masaryk University; the Department of Czech Literature and Library Studies at Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University;
and BRNO ART WEEK are looking for international partners for the 2017 conference and an application for Visegrad Fund grant.
The conference is planned for March 22, 2017.
This year´s topic is colors, which gives space to presentation of various areas, ranging from painting, street art, to theatre, etc.
 We are looking for institutions or universities that are able to send three representatives. At least one of the representatives must present a paper at the conference.
Partners will be invited to spend three night in Brno during Brno Art Week (March 20-22).
They will be also invited to the opening of the Art Week, to its programs on Thursday and are expected to present their papers at the conference.
The language of the conference is English.
Selected papers will be published in conference proceedings. No fees are required.
In case of a success of the grant application, we refund travel and accommodation expenses.

On behalf of the organizers,

Irena Rodriguez Točíková
Department of Arts at Faculty of Education, Masaryk University
Email: info@tvk-brno.cz

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