
Stypendia Rządu Koreańskiego (HUFS, Korea) w 2017

Dear Sir/Madam,

There will be 2017 Korean Government Scholarship Program(;KGSP) admission from Feb. 1st to Mar. 17th.

Koran Government Scholarship Program(KGSP)
-National Institute for International Education(NIIED) affiliated with the Ministry of Education offers the governmental scholarship program through about 70 universities in Korea and 120 Korean embassies in each country.
-This scholarship program covers air fare, monthly allowance, medical insurance fee, all the tuition fee, thesis publication cost, etc.  2. 정착지
-Graduate School and the Graduate School of International and Area Studies(GSIAS) applicable
-Master’s or Doctoral degree course applicable(not for Master-Ph.D integrated program)
-Only foreign students can apply for this program
-If applicants are chosen as a grantee for this program, they must take 1-year Korean language course in other universities. (This course is exempted if the applicants have Korean Proficiency Test(TOPIK) level 5 or above.)

 We already uploaded the notice about it on the website of HUFS and Graduate School like following:

If there is anyone who is interested in this program, our contact information to explain about this program in detail.
Graduate School Administration Team 1 : jsjoo@hufs.ac.kr<mailto:jsjoo@hufs.ac.kr>

Jangsik Joo
Administrative Office of Graduate School
Hankuk Univeristy of Foreign Studies
130-791, 107 Imun-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea
Tel: +82-(0)2-2173-2387 Fax: +82-(0)2-2173-3369

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