
Moritz Csáky Fellowship / Call for Applications

The Austrian Academy of Sciences would like to draw your attention to the announcement of the Moritz Csáky Fellowship 2017.

The Moritz Csáky Fellowship amounts to € 2,200,- and is granted to young scholars and scientists in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, the Ukraine, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia.
Candidates in the humanities, cultural studies or social sciences should not be older than 40 years, have completed their Master or doctorate and submit a research project that makes a research stay in Austria necessary.

Deadline for applications:  March 1, 2017.

We would greatly appreciate you informing your scientific community and potential candidates about this award.

For further information please access the following website: http://stipendien.oeaw.ac.at/en/price/moritz-cs%C3%A1ky-fellowship

Barbara Haberl
Dr. Barbara Haberl
Fellowships & Awards
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Postgasse 7-9, 1010 Vienna

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