
Workshop The Power of Failure: New Perspectives in Social Theory and Practice

Dear Colleagues,
Please allow us to inform you about the CfP for the workshop The Power of Failure: New Perspectives in Social Theory and Practice, to be held 7-8 May 2018 in Warsaw.
The event is the 6th of the series of meetings on unintended consequences, which are organized within the framework of Polish Sociological Association, University of Warsaw, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw and The Maria Grzegorzewska University. 
The deadline for submission of mini-workshop proposals is 15 November 2017, whereas for abstracts is 15 December 2017. We welcome your application!
We also invite you to follow our Facebook profile, where you can find news and updates about Workshop on Unintended Consequences https://www.facebook.com/UnintendedConsequencesWorkshops/
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Adriana Mica, PhD, University of Warsaw

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