
International Journal of Law, Humanities & Social Science - Call for paper

Dear Researcher/Author, 

I, on behalf of the International Journal of Law, Humanities & Social Science (IJLHSS), would like to invite you to submit your paper for publication. IJLHSS offers you the opportunity to publish your research paper/ informative article/ case study/ book review/ conceptual paper/ comparative study/dissertation chapter/ synopsis/ thesis paper within a month in a “peer reviewed journal”. Please, submit your manuscript here: http://www.ijlhss.com/submit-paper-international-journal-of-law-humanities-social-science/  or send a mail attaching your manuscript directly to: submission@ijlhss.com 

Submission Deadline: 15 August 2017.

Guideline for Author(s): http://www.ijlhss.com/guidelines-for-authors/ 
Publication process: http://www.ijlhss.com/publication-process-international-journal-of-law-humanities-social-science/ 

With warm regards, 
Prof. Christine Richardson
International Journal of Law, Humanities & Social Science 
Website: http://www.ijlhss.com 
e-ISSN: 2521-0793; p-ISSN: 2521-0785

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