
Praktyka zagraniczna w międzynarodowej sieci prestiżowych uczelni europejskich The Guild!

Drodzy studenci!

Jeśli jesteście zainteresowani odbyciem praktyki zagranicznej w międzynarodowej sieci prestiżowych uczelni europejskich The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities z siedzibą w Brukseli, zapraszamy do zapoznania się z poniższym komunikatem.

Osoby zainteresowane prosimy o składanie wskazanych w komunikacie dokumentów do Działu Współpracy Międzynarodowej UJ (ul. Czapskich 4, pok. 13) w terminie do 16 listopada 2016 r.

Jednocześnie informujemy, że kandydaci wstępnie zakwalifikowani na odbycie praktyki zobowiązani są również aplikować o stypendium na wyjazdy na praktyki w ramach programu Erasmus+ w terminie do 2 grudnia 2016 r. Szczegóły na stronie Działu Międzynarodowej Wymiany Studenckiej:



Osoba do kontaktów:

Dorota Maciejowska


Tel. 12 663 1110






We are seeking two interns to work at the Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities, a network of some of the most prestigious universities in Europe, dedicated to increasing the profile (and influence) of research and higher education in Europe.

Our members share a commitment to the creation of new knowledge, which informs our approach to research, education, and innovation. We are committed to developing new forms of collaboration to utilize fully the benefit of our proximity across the European Research Area. And we engage with policy-makers to maximise the opportunities for research to inform the politics, culture, science and economy of Europe and its composite states.

This is a unique opportunity for anyone interested in policy-making at the European Union, lobbying/influencing, and higher education policy. The Guild has only just been established, and you would be joining a new team, dedicated to making a difference. This means you would have a unique opportunity to develop projects of your own, and provide input into current and future activities. And you would gain unique and invaluable insight into the complex (and exciting) web of networks and political actors in Brussels.



  • For whom:
    • Advanced undergraduate students of the Guild’s member universities with at least two years’ study at their home university, graduates and postgraduates. This would be a particularly good opportunity for students of (European) political science, and in the social sciences more generally, as well as European Studies, Law, Modern Languages, or History. It would be an ideal opportunity for students of any background who can demonstrate a career interest in national/international politics or non-governmental organisations (NGOs).



  • Duration and starting date:
    • At least six months minimum, 1 year maximum, starting on 3 January 2017 (or as soon as possible thereafter), though 6 months will be also considered



  • Workplace and hours per week:
    • The Guild’s offices located in the European quarter of Brussels
    • Full-time, i.e. 38 hours per week



  •  Objectives/benefits for the intern: 
    • To be part of a start-up influencing and lobbying group for the benefit of research and research-led education
    • To experience how European policy-making works in practice, and how lobbying can influence policy-making
    • To learn events management and organisation, and how to maximise (and evaluate) the long-term effect of lobbying events
    • To establish contacts and networks in Brussels, especially in European research and education policy. 
    • To get to know the Guild’s growing network of European research-intensive universities and to learn about the European Higher Education sector  
    • To provide value to the organisation and to get recognised for his/her contributions and achievements 



  • Competences:
    • Excellent command of written and oral English
    • other foreign languages are an asset
    • Excellent research, analytical and organisational skills
    • Highly motivated, flexible and responsible
    • Understanding of the functioning of the EU and member institutions
    • Commitment to non-for-profit values and high professional and ethical standards
    • Hands-on and independent problem-solving mentality


  • The role:
    • To conduct research on various topics such as EU legislative proposals and relevant EU projects, and contribute to reports/statements/position papers (about 25% of the time)
    • To assist in the organisation of The Guild’s events, such as the Policy Labs and The Inaugural Forum (about 25% of the time)
    • To update the website, database, internal documents and work on communication tools (about 25% of the time)
    • To provide secretarial support such as visitor’s reception, set-up of meetings and logistics, and office administration (about 25% of the time)
    • You will be required, on occasion, to work outside of hours, notably around events.


  • Compensation:
    • According to the Erasmus Plus conditions
    • An allowance of 800€ per month in order to compensate for additional living expenses in Brussels


  • Application requirements:
    • A letter of application stating the candidates’ interest in the position, his/her motivation, English proficiency, and start and finish dates
    • A CV in English supplied by two letters of support
    • Candidates should get the support of the international office of their home university while applying for this internship.

Relevant candidates will be interviewed by Skype shortly after.

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