
25th Anniversary of SYLFF at the Jagiellonian University

Szanowni Państwo,

Z okazji 25-lecia Programu SYLFF w UJ mamy zaszczyt zaprosić Państwa do udziału w otwartej konferencji poświęconej tematyce migracji: Development Policy in the World in the 21st Century z honorowym udziałem Przewodniczącego The Nippon Foundation, pana Yohei Sasakawy oraz przedstawicieli Tokyo Foundation.
Konferencja odbędzie się w dniu 17 maja 2017 r. w godzinach 11:00 - 19:00.
Poniżej oraz na stronie: http://www.sylff.uj.edu.pl/wiadomosci znajdą Państwo więcej informacji na temat wydarzenia.

Serdecznie zapraszamy!
Komitet Organizacyjny

Dear Sylff Fellows,

We are proud that the year 2017 will mark the 25th Anniversary of SYLFF at the Jagiellonian University. On this great occasion, you are invited to participate in a one-day conference with the honourable presence of Mr Yohei Sasakawa, Chairman of The Nippon Foundation, and other representatives of the Tokyo Foundation. The conference is open to all JU academics and students.
The subject of the conference: Development Policy in the World in the 21st Century
Place and dates:
Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 17 May 2017.

10:30-11:00: Conference registration
11:00-13:00: Celebration ceremony:
Welcome remarks and speech by Professor Andrzej Mania, Chair of SYLFF Steering Committee
- Speech by Mr. Yohei Sasakawa, President of The Nippon Foundation
- Speech by the representatives of the Tokyo Foundation
- Speech by Pawel Laidler, PhD., JUSFA Chairman, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of International and Political Studies
- Keynote speeches - Development in a Contemporary World
13:00-14:00: Lunch
14:15-15:15: Visit to the Jagiellonian University Museum - Collegium Maius
15:30-19:00 SYLFF Fellows' conference - Development Policy in the World in the 21st Century (presentations)

Deepened discussion of crucial world problems;
*         Addressing the problem of development as a key element of refugee crisis;
*         Analyzing political and strategic issues influencing development and, indirectly, refugee crisis
*         Focusing on different aspects of development policy in trans-national, intergovernmental and supranational perspectives;
*         Closer integration of SYLLF Fellows from different European Countries;
*         Building personal and (possibly) institutional connections between SYLFF communities;
*         Reinforcement of JUSFA and (possibly) other local associations;
*         Analysis of the current activities undertaken by selected SYLFF communities in Europe;
*         Initiative to create new programs for SYLFF Fellows.

Please Register HERE: http://www.formdwm.uj.edu.pl/

Organizer: Jagiellonian University represented by Professor Andrzej Mania (Chairman of the JU SYLFF Steering Committee) and Mrs. Dorota Maciejowska (Head of the International Relations Office at the JU, member of the JU SYLFF Steering Committee and SYLFF Program Coordinator), and Jagiellonian University SYLFF Fellow's Association (JUSFA) represented by Paweł Laidler, Ph.D. (JUSFA Chairman) and Marcin Grabowski, Ph.D. (JUSFA Treasurer)

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