
6th PhD Students and Young Scientists Conference, Warsaw, 19--22 Sept. 2011

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of Warsaw University of Technology PhD Students Board
in the co-operation with Foundation for Young Scientists
we would like to invite you sincerely to participate in 6th PhD Students
and Young Scientists Conference ,,Young scientists towards the challenges
of modern technology'' that takes place at Warsaw University
of Technology, 19 - 22 September 2011.

We encourage you to visit conference website where you can find more
detailed information and the registration form:


We will be very grateful if you could pass on the following information
about Young Scientists Conference to those whom it may concern.

* * *

Over five years ago we started an effort for integration of young
scientists community. By continuing this initiative, we would like to
sincerely invite all of you to participate in our conference. Its main
goal is to support co-operation between young scientists from Poland and
other countries and to foster their scientific carrier.

Interdisciplinary character is shown mainly in highly diversified
conference scope, which includes:
 -- natural sciences,
 -- biomedical engineering,
 -- mechanics, automation and robotics
 -- town and urban planning, architecture and building engineering,
 -- applied mathematics,
 -- electronics and information technologies,
 -- nanotechnologies and materials,
 -- social sciences in technology,
 -- power engineering (new session).

Also every year conference organisers strive to enrich scientific sessions
with interesting lectures, workshops and presentations. Therefore this years
conference will last four days, the same as the 5th edition. As usually we
also plan to organize a poster session.

All submitted papers will be thoroughly reviewed by members of the
Scientific Board. The papers accepted after a referee's review will be
published in a journal Challenges of Modern Technology presenting
contribution of young scientists to development of particular areas
of science. The first issue of this quarterly magazine
having ISSN number 2082-2863)appeared along with the 5th edition
of the Conference.

Join us in September!

With sincere invitation,

Artur Badyda,
President of Foundation for Young Scientists

Lukasz Adamkiewicz,
Chair of Warsaw University of Technology PhD Students Board

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