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submitted to The Monograph of the Jagiellonian University PhD Students' Association

Articles should be submitted via email to the address of the Editor-in-Chief: The editor confirms having received the correspondence and informs the Author about having initiated the critical appraisal process of the article in question.

The text is initially checked by the Editorial Board who ensure that the material received is complete, thus determining that it meets the mandatory requirements for texts officially submitted for publication. Detailed information on text formatting is available in the additional file “File for download.” Any concerns of the Board regarding the article are to be addressed by the Author. Before initiating the reviewing process the Editorial Board has the right to take action in accordance with the anti-ghostwriting and antiplagiarism procedures.

The article is then subjected to an anonymous reviewing process. It is sent for critical appraisal to an independent researcher from whom the name and last name of the Author are withheld. The Reviewer is selected based on the classification of disciplines.

The Reviewer expresses his opinion on the Reviewer’s Form which comprises a set of open-ended and close-ended questions enabling a comprehensive assessment of the text. The Reviewer can point out errors and missing information in the article, but may also choose to amplify his suggestions and advise changes which the Author is compelled to respond to, either by accepting and incorporating them into his/her article, or by giving a substantive explanation for their rejection.

The Author is informed about the outcome of the review via email.

The evaluation report is archived in paper or electronic form at the Editorial Office and can be accessed with the consent of the Editor-in-Chief.

The Author has the right to appeal against the Reviewer’s decision via email. His or her appeal is considered by three members of the Editorial Board, including the Editor-in-Chief.

In the case of a positive outcome, the Author is informed about the planned date of the article’s publication.


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