
Conference: Oceania – centre of the Pacific Rim

Conference:  Oceania – centre of the Pacific Rim, to be held at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, 21 October 2017 
Call for Papers – Deadline: 1 September 2017 
Paper proposals are now invited for the panels listed below, 
Delegates should submit the abstract of their paper to the relevant panel through the conference e-mail address:  
Please note that the abstract should include your name, affiliation, a title and a paper proposal that should not exceed 200 words. 
Delegates will be able to make payments 150 PLN to 10th October 2017.
The Conference fee includes the cost of all coffee/tea breaks and conference materials.
The fee does not include accommodation costs.
Please note that if you experience problems in the process of submission of your paper proposal, please email also to: dariusz.zdziech@gmail.com 
Conference Theme: Oceania – centre of the Pacific Rim
Pacific Rim unites most of the biggest economies in the World. From a few decades, predominance of the Pacific Ocean is the biggest. Today, the Pacific is the World's centre, but what with the Oceanian countries? People in Oceania experience diverse life-worlds undergoing profound transformations. History, political relations, trade, migration, urbanisation, religious movements, resource extraction, and climate change, as well as new technologies like the internet and mobile phones, are just some of the recent changes that are reconfiguring Pacific environments. Oceanian governments try to find their own paths of development between the Pacific Rim giants. With whom should they launch cooperation? Is it better to unite with other small countries or stay alone? What is the driving force of the economic growth in Oceania? How hard is to be in the centre of the Pacific Rim? What are the advantages and what are the key problems in the Oceanian countries?
The theme of the conference: Oceania – centre of the Pacific Rim, encourages participants to discuss these questions by examining the specific empirical realities of the Pacific.
Having this goal in mind, we invite interdisciplinary dialogues between history, economy, political science, art, law, archaeology, biology, anthropology, geography, media studies, and other fields. By this conference, we hope to shape a better understanding of the Oceania countries, and, through this, to make a meaningful impact upon academic theory building and political decision-making. Pacific environments and Pacific experiences, diverse and transformed, homely or risky, are in question. 
Keynotes: Jan Lencznarowicz, Zuzanna Jakubowska – Vorbrich, Zdzisław J. Ryn, and Mieczysław Sprengel
Please note that the deadline for sending Abstracts for the conference will be expired on 1st of September 2017.
Indicative, tentative schedule of the panel sessions will be elaborated by early September, but the final schedule will be elaborated only after the registrations have closed (that is 1st October). After this, the Panel chairs will allocate individual presentations among sessions.
The role of Asian countries in the Pacific development (trade, tourism, agriculture, science)
Oceania on the political crossroads (history, international relations, law)
Oceania’s diversity and cultural richness (music, film, craft)
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Institut of Middle and Far East Studies, ANZORA

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