
HFU-Summer School programme 2017 for international students: "White Water Management - Learning Management in a new way"

This summer school teaches relevant management principles in an action-orientated outdoor and white water kayaking environment of the canton Ticino in Switzerland from the 20th of July 2017 until the 27th of July 2017. Our course language is English.


Like the environment for managers the environment of white water is marked through uncertain, unpredictable settings, which demands again and again strategic target-orientated decisions by the actors. Students will learn management principles effectively and directly exercised in action. This approach leads even kayak-beginners through the experience of white water straight to the core tasks of management. It's about skills, not about muscles! White water beginners are welcome!


The course provides 6 ECTS. It is designed not only for students of Bachelor, Master and Ph. D. level with a focus on Business Management, but also for other related studies, which provide management input.


The course is also recommended by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service).

You can also find further pictures and information on our facebook-account http://hfu-summerschool.us14.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=dd7b6528f658129621e5d9b04&id=0c50be9563&e=f9b3ce09d4.


Applications are possible from now until 15th of June 2017.


If you have any questions about the programme, please contact Prof. Dr. Gerrit Horstmeier (hor@hs-furtwangen.de)

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