
2nd International Tatra Hydrological Workshop on Sustainable water resources management in high mountains in the Baltic Sea Region

This is the first announcement of  the 2nd  International Tatra Hydrological Workshop on Sustainable water resources management in high mountains in the Baltic Sea Region which will be hold at the Tatra National Park on 10-13 June 2019. 


Participation in the workshop gives an opportunity to get 3 ECTS and diploma signed by three partners: the Director of the Baltic University Programme, the Rector of the Jagiellonian University, and the Director of the Tatra National Park.


You can find more information at the workshop website and attached file.



In case of further questions, please contact Joanna Pociask-Karteczka (joanna.pociask-karteczka@uj.edu.pl, Jagiellonian University) or Lyudmyla Babak (lyudmyla.babak@balticuniv.uu.se, the Baltic University Programme).


We look forward to welcoming you in Kraków - Zakopane.


2nd International Tatra Hydrological Workshop organization team

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