
Career-Readiness for PhD candidates 6-13 July, 2019, Université Paris Diderot - THE FIRST GUILD SUMMER SCHOOL

Dear PhD Candidates,

Université Paris Diderot and the Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities (www.the-guild.eu) are pleased to inform you that the first edition of the Guild Summer School will take place in Paris from 6-13 July, 2019.

The Summer School is open to PhD candidates from all 19 Guild member universities. By PhD candidates, we refer to those who are in a doctoral program but who have not yet obtained their doctoral degree- and who are reflecting on the professional direction of their doctoral training, in light of the career preparation focus of the curriculum. 

The JU will select 2 candiadates. They will be exempted from the tutition fee. 
The JU covers costs related to travel, accomodation and insurance.

Required Application Documents

Interested Ph.D. candidates must submit the following documents in the EUROPASS format:
https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/documents to the institutional coordinator at their University,
Jagiellonian University institutional coordinator: 
Barbara Chmielowska: barbara.chmielowska@uj.edu.pl

For In the interest of administrative simplification, please send your documents in one single PDF
document, if possible.
- Cover Letter detailing (1 page max. : the Applicant’s motivation for participating in this Summer School,
 the Applicant’s specific interest in the program’s thematic focus (careerreadiness)
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) (not exceeding 2 pages)
- The Language Passport
- A short letter of endorsement from your supervisor

Deadline for applications Applications must be sent to your home institution by 15 March 2019 at
the latest. 

All details and required application documents are available here: 

Further Information
Web Page: Guild Summer School 

Call for applications
Contact person: Barbara Chmielowska, e-mail: barbara.chmielowska@uj.edu.pl
tel. 126633850
Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej
Uniwersytet Jagielloński
ul. Czapskich 4, pok. 13

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