
NEURONUS 2014 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum

Dear All,

it is our pleasure to kindly invite you to participate in NEURONUS 2014 IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum, which is being organized in Krakow (PL), April 25-27th 2014.

To continue the great success of previous editions and to attract the audience, again three very active days with keynote lectures, parallel oral presentations and poster sessions are planned. So far acknowledged neuroscientists have confirmed their participation, like:

- Nikos Logothetis (Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, GERMANY)

- Carles Escera (Cognitive Neuroscience Research Group, University of Barcelona, SPAIN)

- Rafael Malach (Department of Neurobiology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, ISRAEL)

- David Colquhoun (Department of Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology, University College London, UK)

- Angela Roberts (Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge, UK)

- Philbert Tsai (Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego, USA)

The Organizers main aim is to give an opportunity for ambitious and skilled scientists to present to an international audience their areas of research and to let young adepts of science learn most intriguing problems of neuroscience as well as best experimental practices directly from established senior researchers.

Deadline for abstract submission is February 16th, 2014.

Deadline for early registration is March 2nd 2014.

Deadline for late registration is April 6th 2014.

More information is available on the NEURONUS website : http://neuronusforum.pl/

In case of any questions or problems, do not hesitate to contact the organizers via e-mail neuronusforum@gmail.com<mailto:neuronusforum@gmail.com> (or use the form on the event's website)

We look forward to seeing you in Krakow!
On behalf of the NEURONUS 2014 Organizing Committee,

Wioleta Walentowska
Psychophysiology Laboratory of Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland w.walentowska@gmail.com<mailto:w.walentowska@gmail.com>

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