
NEURONUS 2012, IBRO&IRUN Neuroscience Forum

Since some years, two relative small meetings took place in Krakow: the NEURONUS meeting under the wings of IBRO and the Krakow Workshop on Psychophysiology under the wings of IRUN. Both meetings were on neuroscience and were specially intended for young researchers, who got the possibility to present their contributions, often for the first time, to a broad and international audience.

Since 2012 these two events will be merged into one conference, with sole focus on neuroscience, but encompassing both biological (based mostly on animal studies), as well as psychophysiological (focused mainly on human neuroimaging and non-invasive electrophysiology) approaches.

To atract the audience three very active days are planned, with keynote lectures, parallel oral presentations and poster sessions. So far, some renowned speakers have confirmed their participation:
- Margaret Niznikiewicz (Harvard Medical School, USA),
- Kenneth Hugdahl (Univ. of Bergen, Norway),
- Tibor Harkany (Univ. of Aberdeen, UK),
- Sergey Kasparov (Univ. of Bristol, UK).

Deadline for registration to the conference is February 29th, 2012.

Conference venue: Auditorium Maximum of the Jagiellonian University.

PhD Students' Association of the Jagiellonian University is one of the partners&sponsors of the conference.
Data Konferencji: April 20-22, 2012
Dane kontaktowe organizatorów: www.neuronus2012.pl

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