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About the monograph

The "Monograph of the Jagiellonian University PhD Students' Association" will be published from 2020 and will be a publishing continuation of the "Scientific Journal of the Jagiellonian University PhD Students' Association". The monograph will publish original scientific articles in the field of broadly understood humanities and social sciences, including literature studies, cultural studies, anthropology, sociology, history.

Frequency: 3 volumes per year.

Language of scientific articles: Polish, English


A monograph of the Jagiellonian University PhD Students' Association will be published in paper form and will be available in electronic form on an ongoing basis. Scientific articles must be linked to the subject of the issue given earlier.

Contact with the editors:

We would like to point out that "Monograph of the Jagiellonian University PhD Students' Association" will be published in a scientific publishing house present in the scoring list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (the so-called new list).

Editorial office address: Czapskich Street 4/14, 31-110 Krakow

Nabór artykułów

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Błąd w kompozycji strony docelowej dla modułu "Polecamy również". Prosimy zgłosić ten problem osobie publikującej