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Science Salon Online

Science Salon Online

The Doctoral Students’ Society of the Jagiellonian University invites you to the May edition of the Research Society Meeting. We will see each other on Wednesday May 27 at 6:00 PM on the Microsoft Teams platform. At the same time, we are accepting applications from PhD candidates who would like to play an active part in the Online Research Society Meeting and discuss their research.

You can find the application form under the following link

The meeting will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform

The link to the Facebook event can be found here

We also invite those who would like to become accustomed with the form of the event, listen to others’ presentations, and build up the courage before presenting themselves to participate. 

What is the Research Society Meeting?
It is a cyclical event in the form of a contest for the best presentation of the month during which doctoral students of the Jagiellonian University can discuss their research.
The best presenter is selected by the public, and the winner receives an award of 350 zlotys.
This is also an opportunity to participate in the Giants’ Meeting, to which the winners of the Research Society Meetings are invited. The main prize at the Giants’ Meeting is 3,500 zlotys!
It is an opportunity to expand your knowledge and meet other PhD candidates.

We invite all who thirst after knowledge and seek inspiration to the Research Meeting.
Remember, that it is you, the public, who decide on the winner.

If you have questions, please contact us at: [ ] and [ ].

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