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Sweatshirts with the university logo

Dear Phd students We are pleased to announce that we are starting the next edition of orders for our college hoodies. The gift is entitled to people who collected a set of 9 stamps for participating in events organized by TD UJ. Please report filled blankets to the TD Office by the end of July so we know how many hoodies we should order.

Collecting a set of 9 stamps allows you to pick up a hoodie with the UJ logo. The models to choose from are available at: On a filled blanket with your name, write down the preferred size of the hoodie and your email address so we can easily get in touch with you. Stamps are entitled to participate in events organized by the PhD Society: Scientific Salons, PhD Film Clubs and Sports Exits (bowling, volleyball, dance course, etc. ). If you participated in the remote event and didn't have time to collect the stamp you deserve, please add a list of events for which you have a stamp (e.g. March SN, May DKF). We will verify this conscientiously, and we will contact people who have collected a set of stamps by e-mail. If you have any further questions, please contact: [].

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