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Council of the Jagiellonian University PhD Student Association for the 2022 term

Council of the Jagiellonian University PhD Student Association for the 2022 term

As a result of the elections held on December 15th, 2021 during the Ordinary General Meeting, the following were elected to the Council of the Jagiellonian University PhD Student Association for the 2022 term:

Kamila Brodzińska - SDNS
Dominika Fortuna - SDNS
Marta Labuda - WSMiP
Gabriela Lampart - SDNMiNoZ
Dominika Kurda - SDNMiNoZ
Anna Rudzińska - SDNMiNoZ
Grzegorz Smułek - SDNS
Małgorzata Śliż - SDNŚiP
Maciej Wcisło - SDNH
Anna Wójtowicz - WCh
Beata Wyżga - SDNŚiP
Julia Ząber - SDNŚiP
In addition, the following were elected members of the Audit Committee in 2022:
Łukasz Fiedeń - WGiG
Natalia Stręk - WSMiP
Stanisław Szufa - WMiI
Congratulations to everyone and good luck in your work for PhD students at the Jagiellonian University! At the same time, we would like to thank the members of the Council and the Audit Committee in the term of 2021, who were fully discharged.
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