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Recruitment to the "School for a Young Scientist-Local Government" program

Recruitment to the "School for a Young Scientist-Local Government" program

The National Representation of Doctoral Students announces recruitment to the "School for a Young Scientist-Local Government" program implemented with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science under the "Social Responsibility of Science" program, established pursuant to Art. 376 paragraph. 1 and sec. 2 point 1 of the Act of July 20, 2018 Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2021, items 478, 619 and 1630).

"The School of Young Scientist-Self-Government" is a training and popularization project, under which, on March 3-6, 2022, trainings and workshops with practitioners and experts will be conducted for representatives of the doctoral student community, studying both at doctoral schools and study participants doctoral studies. The project is primarily aimed at increasing the awareness of doctoral students in the field of legal reality, as well as equipping them with the necessary soft skills and hard skills.

This goal is to be achieved through the training of a selected group of doctoral experts from all over Poland (limit of places: 35), who, after completing the training, will conduct information meetings in academic centers across the country.

What does the "School of Young Scientist-Local Government" offer?

As part of the SMNS project, the National Representation of Doctoral Students offers:

  • participation in a series of trainings (including in the field of statutory regulations regarding doctoral students studying at doctoral schools, regulations regarding the transitional period, as well as scientific research, obtaining research grants, applying for internships and trips abroad; what is more, skills workshops will be organized soft, useful during public speeches, workshops on time management, organization of own and team work and the use of IT tools supporting scientific and didactic work);
  • creating a space for scientific discussions and the exchange of scientific and research achievements;
  • accommodation and meals during the entire project "School for a Young Scientist-Local Government";
  • certificates after completing training and meeting the requirements necessary to complete the project.

Attention! Courses will be held in Polish language. 
What is the amount of the fee for participation in the "School of Young Scientist-Local Government"?

We do not charge fees for participation in the project (i.e. for participation in training, accommodation and meals).

When will the "School of Young Scientist-Local Government" be held?

The project will start on March 3 and end on March 6, 2022.

Where will the "School of Young Scientist-Local Government" take place?

In Zakopane.

What is the limit of participants in the "School for Young Scientists-Local Government"?

Maximum number of places: 35 PhD students / PhD students.

What do we expect from the Candidates?

  • doctoral student status,
  • experience in scientific activity,
  • commitment and responsibility for the tasks performed,
  • time availability,
  • a lot of smile,
  • welcome: experience in organizational and local government activities.

How to apply?

If you are interested in participating in the project, please send the following documents to :

  • scan of a signed Biography;
  • a scan of the signed Cover Letter (please include in the letter information on scientific, research, organizational and local government achievements; max. 1 A4 page);
  • scan of the signed consent to the processing of personal data;
  • a scan of the completed and signed attachments to the Regulations, Annex 1 Acceptance of the Regulations, Annex 2 Consent to image processing).

Please title the message as follows: "SMNS Application - Name Surname-Name of the University".

By when can you apply?

The deadline for submitting applications is February 15, 2022.

When will I receive confirmation of eligibility? 

The deadline for presenting the results of qualifying for the project will be on February 19, 2022. The Organizer reserves that the above date may be postponed.
Please be advised that after evaluating the submitted applications, the Project Coordinator on behalf of the National Representation of PhD Students will contact the qualified candidates.

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