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Campaign to collect money for the doctoral community in Ukraine

Campaign to collect money for the doctoral community in Ukraine

On 1 April this year The National Representation of Doctoral Students launched a campaign to collect money for the doctoral community in Ukraine. The collection will last until the end of May this year, and all funds will be donated to the "Charity fund human" - whose selection has been agreed with the aforementioned organization - The Council of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

On 24 February 2022, the world woke up to a new reality. Russia's aggression against Ukraine and the ongoing war across our eastern border took by surprise all those who had deeply hoped that the conflict would not escalate. The Russian invasion quickly turned into an attack against the civilian population, radically changing the face of ongoing military operations on the Ukrainian territory.

Since our youth, we have been told about the times of World War II, when attempts were made to "wipe out" the intellectual elite from Polish society. They told us how difficult and long the road was to rebuild our country. When we now look at the images of war in Ukraine, we have before our eyes images from history. Our history. Suffering, pain, death and hunger. Destroyed infrastructure, residential buildings, public buildings and places which for us scientists are our second home - buildings of universities and research institutes.

We, Poles, are aware how war destroys a country and we are also aware of the strength of the support shown to a nation affected by war.

In his address to the National Assembly on 11 March 2022, President Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized the fraternal community of Poles and Ukrainians, and in his words resounded not only the need, but also the social and civic duty to build this community and deepen the process of integration between our nations, of which we are aware.

As the National Representation of Doctoral Students, we represent the Polish doctoral community, bringing together people at the threshold of their academic career, on whose shoulders rests and will rest in the future the responsibility for the shape of the Polish system of higher education and science. It is in this area that we wish to focus our assistance. We want to show support for Ukrainian citizens in cooperation with our sister organization, The Council of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Like our KRD, it brings together local government officials, PhD students, young scientists, and the intellectual future of Ukraine.

We bear in mind that among our community there are also our fellow doctoral students from Ukraine, to whom we should now, in a special way, show our support and express our solidarity, both with them and with the entire Ukrainian people.

On 1 April this year The National Representation of Doctoral Students launched a campaign to collect money for the doctoral community in Ukraine. The collection will last until the end of May this year, and all funds will be donated to the "Charity fund human" - whose selection has been agreed with the aforementioned organization - The Council of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The collection will culminate in a concert entitled "Bratnie Narody", which will take place on 23 April 2022 at 20:00 in the Crystal Hall of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. The concert will feature folk bands playing both Polish and Ukrainian music.

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