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Museum tour with TD UJ: Oscar Schindler’s Enamel Factory

Museum tour with TD UJ: Oscar Schindler’s Enamel Factory

We would like to invite PhD candidates of JU to take part in a group visit to Oskar Schindler's Enamel Factory museum.

The visit to the museum (widely known from the Hollywood production "Schindler's List") will allow you to learn about the extremely dramatic history of Cracow and its inhabitants during World War 2, connecting the present with the past - with the city from years ago and its multicultural inhabitants.

The event will take place on 4 December and will start at 3:30PM in the museum at Lipowa street 4. The guided tour will be in English only.

Entry fee is 5 PLN.

For organizational reasons, please register to participate in the event in advance. Registration is open up to 28 November at the following link

The number of places is limited to 20. Registration order decides.

Further details will be sent via e-mail to all registered participants. In case of any questions, please contact us at

See you! 

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