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InaugurUJ 2023

InaugurUJ 2023

Dear PhD student! Are you just about to start your education at one of Doctoral Schools of the Jagiellonian University? This event is for you!

InaugurUJ includes two events in Kraków and training-integration trip to the Pieniny mountains (participation only in events taking place in Krakow is also possible).  

Since a doctoral student does not live solely on science, we will try to interest you in the activities of the Jagiellonian University PhD Student Association and its committees and encourage you to actively participate in our initiatives.
Detailed program [possibility to sign up only for selected events]:

  • 24 October (Tuesday) - walk: get familiar with Kraków and with the history of Jagiellonian University
  • 26 October (Thursday) - bowling
  • 27-29 October (Friday-Sunday) - integration trip to Pieniny

Price with the trip: PLN 120 (the price includes accommodation, transport, meals in Pieniny, accident insurance)
Price of the two events in Kraków (the walk and bowling) is PLN 5.

You can register here
Facebook event 

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