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Patronat Prezesa

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How to receive the Patronate?

Submitting the events for the Patronate

Applications for the Patronage of the TD UJ President are made on a continuous basis electronically via the form HERE (English version avaliable). The application should be submitted at least 30 days before the planned event date.

The application form contains in particular the following data to be completed by the event organizer:

  1. name of the event;
  2. specification of the organizer - organization, organizing committee, the representative of the organizer authorized to contact the Jagiellonian University PhD Student Association;
  3. place of the event;
  4. short information about the event, specifically describing how the event is connected with PhD candidates;
  5. expectations regarding the Jagiellonian University PhD Student Association (the need for gadgets, suggested forms of promotion, the participation of the TD UJ representative in the event);
  6. other informations important from the organizers' perspective.

Decisions and terms

The application for the patronage of the TD UJ President over the project is considered within 14 days of its submission. The President may consider the application positively or negatively or call on the organizer to complete the information in the form within the deadline set by him. The President informs the organizer of his decision electronically, personally or through a designated member of the Management Board. A negative decision shall be justified. If the application is not supplemented with the missing elements, the application will not be considered.

An appeal may be lodged against the decision not to grant patronage to the Management Board of TD UJ within 7 days of receiving the negative decision. The decision taken in the appeal procedure is final.

In the event of failure by at least one of the parties to fulfill the declared obligations arising from the Patronate of the TD UJ President, the patronage may be terminated in writing by electronic means at any time at the request of at least one of the parties.

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