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The February Academic Salon

The February Academic Salon

Present your own research area and win 500 PLN (to be used to purchase academic literature)!

The Council of  PH.D. Students’ Association of Jagiellonian University invites you to a new edition of the Online Academic Salon!
See you on February 24th (Wednesday) at 6:00 p.m. on the Microsoft Teams platform.
At the same time, we are starting to collect entries from doctoral candidates who want to take an active part in the Online Science Salon and talk about the research that they are conducting.
In order to further appreciate the involvement and speakers’ presentations, we have decided to increase the amount of the awards: From the current edition of the competition, the winner of the Academic Salon will receive 500 zł (to be used for purchasing scientific literature). 
Are you interested? We look forward to seeing you!

Event on Facebook:
Link to the application form:
The meeting will take place on the Microsoft Teams platform:
For more information, please visit:
If you have any questions, please contact us via: [ ] and 
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