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Results of the 2_2021 edition Competition for funding PhD students' activities

Results of the 2_2021 edition Competition for funding PhD students' activities

In the 2_2021 edition of the Competition for the Funding of PhD Students' Activities, 33 applications were submitted, 24 of which were approved and 9 application was rejected. Co-financing was granted in the total amount of PLN 32 389.00. The call for proposals ended on March 11, 2022.

When determining the final amount of funding for the application of the Competition Commission for the Funding of PhD Students' Activities, JU Doctoral Students and the JU PhD Students’ Council were guided by the availability of funds in the budget, the validity and amount of the cost estimate, the presence of additional sources of funding and other variables available for inspection in the Competition Regulations. These are general guidelines followed by the Competition Committee and the TD JU Council, each case being discussed individually.
Due to the protection of personal data, the names have been replaced with an ID number.

Please note that the applicant is personally responsible for the timely settlement of the grant in the TD Office of the Jagiellonian University.
Please read carefully the Settlement Rules available at:

Please note that in case of resignation from the grant, the TD JU Office should be immediately informed of this fact in writing or by e-mail to the following address:
The PhD Students Society of the Jagiellonian University would like to thank the authorities of the Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University for granting a subsidy, also intended for co-financing the Competition.
If you have any questions, please contact us by email: or by phone: 12 663 39 04 or 30 19.

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Wyniki - edycja 2_2022
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